Your investment produces extraordinary results

Your investment becomes the gift of a life time! Better than any material goods, what you provide is an opportunity for people to achieve their potential. Our programs emphasize personal responsibility, leadership and integrity, qualities that are the foundation for success in the workforce, in community and in interpersonal relationships.

Your contribution to the Academy of Mastery will supports Youth programs such as The Entrepreneurial Course for High School Students and Adult programs such as Financial Independence classes for adults. Theses courses effect a change in the fundamental ways the participants operate in society. For Youth, it impacts their ability to graduate from High School and be successful in joining the workforce or launching entrepreneurial endeavors. For adults, it empowers them to get out of debt, save, increase their income and build a future for their families, businesses and communities.

Impact in society

When individuals take responsibility for their financial success, extraordinary things happen. Communities prosper, graduation rates go up and crime rates go down. The Academy of Mastery Programs have long term benefits. We focus on empowering people to have access to life-long economic self-sufficiency, financial freedom and independence. Our programs build character and financial independence. The life-long skills that participants in our programs learn impact all aspects of their lives from their individual fiscal responsibility to their relationship with their families and their communities.

"Attending and participating in these seminars has helped me in many aspects of my life. Not only do I utilize what I learn in the seminars for our company but also toward my schoolwork and housework. I use the concept of being a ten all the time. I find it so effective to tackle problems with a vision of a positive result." E.C., Bulkeley High School

"This seminar has helped me in many ways. It has showed me that I can achieve goals that are even higher than my expectations. It has also shown me that what other people think is impossible is possible and that no matter what people say to discourage you, you need to keep on going and always know you can and there are no limits to what you can do." M.H. a participant from New Britain High School, New Britain

"I was able to become a stronger person because I know how to face the real world. Since the real world does not care how you feel and how your life is going, it just cares that you’re getting the job done, as I was taught by attending the seminar. I do not feel intimidated by anyone who puts me on the spot. I feel ready for anything that is thrown at me." L.B., Bulkeley High School

"I saw that in the past year and a half I have decreased my debt and improved my net worth by over 50%! My debt has seemed insurmountable for the past 9 years, so this is an amazing result for me."

"I learned the basics of budgeting and determining my net worth. Once I saw my financial scorecard, it was easy to see my problem was cash flow. I was able to make adjustments that eliminated credit card debt and improved my cash flow to the point where not only was I not dipping into savings every month, but I was able to begin participating in the company’s 401K program."

One of the most important aspects of Academy of Mastery programs is that the programs are experiential, have participants, both in the entrepreneurial course for youth as well as in the adult classes, go through and confront what they experience out in the real world so they have a whole new understanding of who they are and what they themselves can accomplish even when they don’t think they can. This is learning that serves people well for a life time, it is learning that cannot be forgotten. Participants start to create a vision for their life and know they can have what they are willing to be action to achieve. Their Visions are not far-fetched any more.

The Academy of Mastery Programs proven track record

Hundreds of students have graduated The Entrepreneurial Course for High School Students and created their money making businesses within its 9 weekly sessions. The Adult Financial Literacy programs have been transforming the lives of adults for over 20 years.

"Students are challenged at high levels during each seminar... Students soon realize that this is real life and they are at the center of responsibility for their own academic achievement and success in life... they can visualize alternatives to low-wage jobs... students are excited by and responsible for the future they see they can create for themselves. Students at risk of dropping out significantly improved their performance and graduated." David Brysgel, EdD, Educator, Assistant Principal-Manchester High School

Our organization has developed many partners in the business and educational communities, the municipal and state governments, and Donors and Foundations. Continuing relationships with diversified support provides the consistency and staying power of the organization.

The Board of Directors and officers have decades of combined professional experience in the corporate and education worlds as well as fundraising, volunteering, and producing courses in the non-profit world.

Thank You to the Following Supporters:

Central High School, Bridgeport, CT
Pathways to Technology Magnet High School, Windsor, CT
Above Earth's Plane Balloons, Middletown, CT
Mortgage Services, Inc. , Waterbury, CT
Sam's Club
Patricia Hargil

How you can contribute

Annual fund:
Platinum sponsor: $100,000 and above
Golden sponsor: $50,000 to $99,999
Silver sponsor: $10,000 to $49,999
Bronze sponsor: $1,000 to $9,999
Executive sponsor: up to $999

All donors are mentioned on the web site and in all events supporting our programs, including business fair program books.

Business Fair sponsors:
Sponsors to the business fair get acknowledgements on the business fair program book.
Sponsor a School or community: $40,000 (includes a page in the program book)
Sponsor a Team: $10,000 (includes ¼ of a page in the program book)
Sponsor a Student: $1,000 (includes a 2 by 3 inch ad in the program book)
General Sponsor: donations up to $999 (includes mention on program book)

Anonymous donations:
If you wish your donation to remain anonymous, please let us know and you will be mentioned as "anonymous donor" in all our materials.

Special fund raising events and activities:
Please contact us to organize one and or participate as a volunteer.




  • Documentary "The Power Within" - Part 1 (9 minutes)
  • The Power Within - Part 2 (7 minutes)